Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas - or Happy Holidays - whichever greeting you prefer.
Ours was wonderful - it's the first year that the kids have really been excited about Santa and all of the Christmas-related festivities. I'll try to post more on that later.
A couple weeks ago, my husband asked me to make a wreath for a coworker of his - it was actually for a family member of a coworker - so the only details I was given was to make it in "white, creams, and tans."
Any requests for additional specifications or details were fruitless.
Typically, this would not work for me. Typically, I need very specific instructions. Typically, I'm not dealing with 2 men working with more detail-oriented people who understand why "white, creams, and tans" are not true details.
It's always a little worrisome when you put a ton of time and effort into creating something without knowing what the end result might be...
...but I had already made 4 other wreaths that week...one of which took over 1000 (dyed!) coffee filters....and I just wanted to get it done.
I'd been thinking about doing a wreath similar to this for a while, and I was happy with how it turned out...
I used several shades of book pages, white coffee filters, and coffee-dyed filters.
It's named "The Brady Wreath" - after the person who ordered it.
(SHAMELESS PLUG - see, if you order a custom wreath from me, it may be named after you...it's not everyday you get a wreath named in your honor!)
What does "white, creams and tans" mean to you?
....my thoughts, exactly.
(Oh, and of course, I never found out if his coworker liked the wreath or not because my husband "hasn't had a chance" to talk to him. MEN.)