All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Salvaged Whimsy - 2011 In Review

I wrote my first post on August 1, 2011, so I don't really have a whole year to review, just 5 months.  My original intention was to write about my kids more, but it seems that Salvaged Whimsy took on a mind of it's own (nothing ever listens to me around here!) 

First of all - and most importantly -
Your 5 favorite posts of 2011:

And, in case you missed them--
A couple of my favorite projects:
(in no particular order)

The Farm Table made out of an old door and reclaimed barn wood: 2011, I was hoping to reach 100 followers (I love each and every one of you, by the way!)...and I'm currently at 149--thanks to you.  I started an Etsy shop and have my own booth in a local antique store.  My family is likely planning an intervention to confront my Pinterest obsession. I've also found my way around Facebook. - finally!  But most importantly, I've met the most amazing, kind, and caring people (ahem, YOU) - and that's the most exciting thing of all. 
Between getting married, renovating and selling a home & buying another, and having 2 babies ALL in less than 4 years----and then moving over an hour away--I've lost touch with most of my friends. 
I'm so lucky to be able to stay home with my babies - but I'm still pretty timid about taking them both out by myself (anywhere that there's not a cart or some type of restraining device available :).   I bet you can see where I'm headed here, as I've met quite a few of you in the same situation who have found a "purpose" here in blog land.

On to 2012 
 If you are having a party to celebrate New Year's Eve, I'm living vicariously through you and did a fun post about party decoration ideas if you're looking for ideas.

I'll probably be in bed by 9pm, so please have a sip of champagne for me! 
 Looking forward to a wonderfully crafty and creative 2012!

Sharing my 2011 memories at these sites:

Domestically Speaking (Paint Projects)
Faded Charm (White Projects)

take care -

Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. Happy New Year, Erin! I hope your Christmas was wonderful! It is funny how a blog takes on a life of it's own, isn't it? I love getting an overview of everyone's posts this time of gives me a chance to catch up on the ones I missed and revisit favorites! You have been a busy girl this year and have shared so many great projects! I absolutely love your silouette drawer wall curio! I've enjoyed meeting you! Can't wait to see what other projects and ideas you have to share!
    Best Wishes and Blessings,

  2. Love the farm table! So impressed that you made that with reclaimed wood and a door! And the garbage bag wreath is so cool. I'm definitely going to make one next year! I'm following along with you too...

  3. Love your projects from this year. Especially the 2 drawers you made into a basket - repurposing is my favorite. I hope 2012 is equally great for you.

  4. Yes, totally agree that blogging is the perfect creative outlet for SAHMs! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog and hope you'll start linking up your projects at Overflowing with Creativity on Wednesday's {really Tuesday nights, you know how bloggers say it funny}. I'm happy to continue being inspired by you in 2012!!!

    XO, Aimee

    PS I'd love for you to make a quick stop by my blog and enter to win my first giveaway!!! Crossing my fingers you win!!!

  5. I just found your blog from your link up over at FMFPTY's and it is fabulous! Love all of your projects and creative ideas. Thanks for the inspiration and looking forward to following you into the New Year.

  6. I just found your blog from your link up over at FMFPTY's and it is fabulous! Love all of your projects and creative ideas. Thanks for the inspiration and looking forward to following you into the New Year.

  7. I love all your 5 projects (I think you should have made it 6 and included that coffee filter wreath!) Thanks for a 5 months of inspiration!


  8. You really hit the ground running with all these major hits in such a short time! I love the recap. I would love it if you would stop by and link up your two favorites from 2011. I am doing a link up of the best projects bloggers want to show from this year. Happy New Years! -K

  9. You have had a great couple of months! Happy New Year!

  10. Love all your projects, you did an amazing job. Wishing you a Happy New Year!

  11. Those rolled paper flower wreaths are beautiful!

  12. Hi Erin! I found you through The Turquoise the table idea and I need a big table to work on now! I started around the same time as you (Aug 7)! Love your blog...great stuff! wendy xo

  13. Hi Erin, I've been racking my brain to decide what I want on my sign! LOL I have no inspiration these days. I'm busy taking down holiday decorations. I couldn't take it any more- had to do it! Kinda sad, but I'm anxious to clean! ( not really...) Now, remember to call me when you'll be up in Tipp again- I'll run up to say hi! Happy New Year wishes to you. Sue

  14. Sending you the Happiest New Year Wishes Ever my friend. I look forward to many more wonderful visits with you in 2012 xo
    Always Wendy

  15. Awesome projects! Love your shabby style!!! Keep up the good work ;)

    Happy New Year to you!

    Lolly Jane

  16. Wow, all your '11 projects are so pretty! Thank you for sharing at Made Up & Loved. Happy new year! My

  17. You made 2011 so much prettier! Excited to see all you have ahead in 2012!!! Your chalkboards are SUPER CUTE! What color of gray did you use?!? I always have so much trouble with paint colors, but LOVE that one so thought I better ask!!! Glad to be bloggy friends with you in 2012, too!!!

    XO, Aimee

  18. You have had a great year! So many wonderful projects that I can't even pick a favorite. Best wishes to you and yours in the new year!

  19. You have a lot of great projects, for your short year! Keep up the good work. Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  20. Erin, I've been blogging almost 2 years and you have about the same number of followers I do. LOL!! I'm loving all your projects. I hope we can meet sometime!!

  21. You have had some gorgeous projects! Thank you for your comment on my blog! Following you back, I can;t wait to see what you come up with next!


I love your comments - they make my day! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts with me. I try to respond to as many comments and visit as many other blogs as possible...if you have your account set to "no reply" and would like a response from me, please leave your email address in your comment. Thanks for stopping by!