All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Just an Instant Changes Everything.

On Monday night, I was sitting in the kitchen working on the wreath while the kids played and my husband, Bryan,was cutting a piece of wood for a sign I wanted to make in the garage.  I heard him make a horrible scream that still replays in my head, I just prayed to myself..."please don't be hurt, please don't be hurt."  As I heard him fumble to get in the kitchen door from the garage, I knew he was hurt.

He came in, frantic, and told me to call 911--his hands were full of blood.  It was horrible.  Horrible.

He was flipping a piece of wood on the table saw and brushed his index finger on the blade, and it grabbed the rest of his fingers.  Thank God, it's a miracle - he didn't lose any fingers, but they are really, really mangled.

He's so, so careful when he's working - just an instant changes everything, so please be careful.

Anyway, I'm just not in much of a mood to talk about projects right now, so it may be a couple days before you hear from me or I'm able to respond to comments.  I apologize.

I really, really appreciate every single one of you.  Take care of yourselves.


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  1. Oh my gosh!!! How Horrific! That could have ended so much worse. It's bad...super bad, but thank the lord he has his fingers. Hugs to you and your family!!!


  2. OUCH!! Wow, very lucky guy not to lose a hand! Prayers for a speedy recovery!

  3. Oh my... hope for healing... and not too much pain. I'm sorry ...marcy

  4. OMG, Erin! I am so sorry! I'm be thinking about you both. You are so right. Things can change in a heartbeat. I often think about that.

  5. Oh Erin. I am so sorry. I could feel your fear just reading your post! I hope he has a speedy and full recovery. I can imagine your heart just stopping. That is my worst fear when Jim or my dad work with the saws. I am always holding my breath a little.

    Love and hugs! Hope he is doing okay.

    (no need to comment back, just sending prayers)

  6. Just so ya know, folks out here are praying for complete healing and comfort for all of you! {hugs}

  7. How scary! I'm glad to hear your husband is ok. I hope he has a quick recovery.

  8. Oh, that was close. I`m so happy for him, that he didn`t loose any fingers.

    Hugs bente

  9. Oh my goodness!!! Please know that I am thinking of you guys. (When I'm not wielding a can of spray paint, I spend my days taking care of post surgical hands and otherwise injured arms and shoulders.)

    Take care and fast healing to the Hubs.

  10. Dear Erin:
    I'm terribly sorry, I pray he gets better soon, as soon as possible, and I thank you for your input, always beautiful!

  11. Oh Erin how awful and scary! I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Take care of your family and we will be here when you get back.

  12. That is my worst nightmare when my husband is working with his saws! Thank goodness it wasn't worse than it was. Thanks for reminding us how dangerous it can be.

  13. wow this makes me shiver. You can bet I'm going to be super careful with my saws after reading this. I hope hubby's hand will be alright.

  14. I pray he fully recovers from this accident. I helps me to remember saftey in my workshop. Hang in there!

  15. Heartstopping just to hear about it. Sending healing thoughts his way.

  16. I am so very sorry to hear this! How scary! I always cringe a bit when my husband is using power tools... I'm so glad to hear that he didn't loose any fingers though.

    I'll be thinking of you and your family,


  17. Thinking of your family and wishing your husband a full and speedy recovery. Take some time away and take good care of each other. xo

  18. Dear Erin,

    I will keep your husband and you in my prayers. Thank God he didn't get hurt worse than what he did. Please keep up informed about his condition.


  19. Erin, I'm so sorry to hear this! Your hubs is very fortunate, though! I know a guy who just recently, lost his pinky finger and could loose the other two next to it; while making a deck. See, it could have been worse. Praying he'll recover quickly and be able to use his digits, and that your nerves will calm down! Blessings from Bama!

  20. I'm so sorry! But I am very glad he's ok. My husband has a flooring company and works with saws all the time. He's been injured in the same really is terrifying.

    I'll be praying that your husband heals soon.

  21. Yes, everything can change in an instant. I work in manufacturing and often see people with missing fingers or parts of fingers. So glad you don't have to deal with that. Take care of your man; your followers will be waiting for you whenever you get back.

  22. Prayers are being sent up for a speedy recovery for you as well as him. It's never easy to have our sweetheart hurt.

  23. Sorry to hear this. This scenairo is my biggest fear with my hubby when he is working in the shop with power tools. Looks like someeone else was watching over your husband and saved his hand/fingers! Take care. Laura

  24. How scary to read of this awful accident. I know it had to be so terrifying. I hope your husband has an easy and uncomplicated healing process. Relax a little during this down time and just remember that when it all heals you can then take that deep breath and sigh of relief.

  25. Erin, I've still been thinking about you and your husband and ongoing prayer for full recovery of his hand.

    Is his hand going to be ok? {{hugs}}

  26. So sorry to hear of this! Thankful that it wasn't worse. Wishing your hubby a speedy recovery!

  27. Oh my..that horrible..Im so glad he still got his fingers..
    all the best

  28. Oh my gosh! How horrible for you both! I know that every single awful thing I've experienced has really impressed upon me how life can be changed in an instant. So thankful he didn't lose any of his fingers. Sending thoughts and prayers to you both through his recovery.

  29. I had to come back and read through the do have lots of prayers and well wishes from all of us. Most of us have hubbys with power tools, and ask them to do "projects" like this. I keep thinking about how this could SO be me and Chris.

    Hope the healing is quick and with minimal pain.



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