All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Whimsical Wednesday: Beach House Tour

I've missed a couple Whimsical Wednesdays - sorry if it's left any of you emotionally and creatively vacant.

But I'm back with the best one yet - my beach house.

You didn't know I had a beach house?

Huh, funny how I've failed to mention it to you, seeing that we're such good friends.

Please accept my sincere apologies.
I'd love to give you a tour and invite you to stay for as long as you'd like.

Here is our humble beach house, "Whimsy."  She's just a little place we visit on weekends.

Here's the back - it's sort of weird that the front and back of the house don't match...she's called "Whimsy" for a reason.

Now, if you'll follow me inside to our foyer...

To your right is the formal living room.

The door opens to a beautiful balcony, aren't the white painted floors and French doors "to die for"? You didn't see the French doors inside...hmmm, maybe the umbrella drink is getting to you?

It's easy to see why the French doors may have slipped your memory when you see this magnificent view of our infinity pool and the ocean.

So, lets go back in through the dining area.  Yeah, I made the pillows myself, I saw them on Pinterest.

Next to the dining room is the kitchen.

And here's another look at the kitchen so you can see the fab light fixtures and bar stools...not to mention our   screen pantry door.  Seems to me,I saw that on Pinterest too.

Can I get you a drink or anything?  I'll have Rosy, the maid, fetch you a another umbrella drink.

So on our way to the other side of the house, let's stop here at our charming bathroom.  Yep, made the mirrors too.

Down the hall is our family room.  I think the pillows are from Etsy.  
The walls are made from old pallets.

And through the door on the other side of the room is another patio area.

Then, through these doors is the library, please ignore Monique there on the couch - she's my interior decorator.  She's very dedicated to her work.

And that's about it for this floor, let's go upstairs, so if you're up for it, please join me upstairs.  The elevator is being wall papered, or we'd take it. 

Yes, in fact, my 2 year old son DID draw those sea life illustrations.

At the top of the stairs is the main hallway...

The door on the right is our foreign exchange student, Antonio's, room.

Across the hall is the kids' room, and their room is always this clean.

Then, next to that is the hall bathroom.

If you'll continue to follow me down the hall, here is a guest bedroom.

There's a great view from those windows.

And now I'll show you to your room.  You are staying, aren't you?

Before we get to the master suite, we'll stop off at the media room.  I love the bright, retro vibe in there.  I painted the table a great shade of kelly green.

Our final stop is the master suite...

and bathroom.

Again, I apologize for not inviting you over sooner.  I'm so disyoappointed that you can't stay longer, but I understand that you need to get home to make sure you didn't leave your glue gun plugged in...

Maybe another time?

If you're missing me, you are always welcome to stop by my Pinterest or Facebook pages.  
(I have 395 followers and 295 if 5 of you would want to stop by and help get me over the hump? know, if you feel like it and stuff - I DID offer to let you stay at my beach house. No pressure.)

(I promise that I haven't completely lost my mind...but it has been one of "those weeks")

take care -
Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. I love, love your humor!!!!!! Thanks for a Hump Day pick-me-up.

  2. I was already a follower on Pinterest, but liked on FB. I think I was 298!!! Thanks so much for offering your beach house! LOL It's beauuuutiful. :)

  3. Those pictures are lovely! I, for one, would like to have a beach house like that. What I love about beaches house designs is that they bring a sense of lightness and a fun mood to any space. The combination of white and blue colors soothes the eye. The wood elements also bring about a vibrant appeal, and it makes you feel closer to nature. Thanks for letting me “visit” your beach house. I had a very lovely stay. :)


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