All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Whimsical Wednesday: Polka Dots

I'm usually way behind on trends. way behind.

At the beginning of this year, however, I was reading a blog about design trends for 2012, and the blogger (don't remember who it was) asked what we thought would be the big trends for the new year.

I commented that polka dots were going to be big this year.
 So, a couple days later, when I heard that polka dots were expected to be big in 2012, I realized that I may just have a career in forecasting trends after all. 

If only I would have used my moment of psychic clarity to pick winning lottery numbers...instead of polka dots.

Now, as you, my fellow trendsetters, are aware...polka dots are EVERYWHERE.

Paper Goods:

Home Decor:

 Bubblegum Rug at



And last, but certainly not least....
Men's Shorts....

Apparently, the "Classic polka dots add some pop to dapper washed-cotton shorts."  
All of this POP for only $165? 

I would do pretty much anything to see my husband in a pair of these with the "coordinating" plaid shirt...EXCEPT pay $165.

Do not despair, my dear friends, as there's surely a DIY tutorial being created out there in blogland at this very moment (hopefully, it's a no-sew version or I'll be out of luck) these shorts are sure to be all the rage this summer.

Don't ya think?

So, back to my forecasting pick for the 2013 Pantone Color of the year is...

*(until sometime next year)

This almost became a Whimsical Thursday post because I kept finding more and more polka dot inspiration...but it's naptime for the toddlers and I have a ton of things to do while they sleep...if they sleep.

Wanna see my other Whimsical Wednesday posts?
You're in luck, I just happen to have a board for that.

take care -

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