All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Salvaged: Magnetic Plowing Disc

When I found a used plow disc in an old barn, my initial thought was to make it into some type of chandelier.

Then I picked it up...for those of you like me, who are unfamiliar with agricultural paraphernalia...plowing discs are very heavy - maybe not so great for a light fixture??

The discs are being pulled behind the tractor.

So, after scrubbing, and scrubbing, and scrubbing, I loved the look of the disc I found beneath the mud and grease.  
I don't know what type of metal discs are made from, but I was delighted to find that it was magnetic.
So, for the magnets, I visited the Dollar Store and found a big decorative magnet for $1.00.  After tearing the paper graphic off the front of the magnet, I cut the it into small square pieces.

Then, I found some big, chunky buttons and hot glued the a magnet piece to the back of each one. 
And ta-da! A virtually free, yet still interesting, magnetic message board.

This one is for sale in my booth, so it's not hanging up, but if I were to hang it in my house, I'd just hang it from one of the bolt holes.

Sharing at these linky-parties:
Thrifty Decor Chick (1st Monday of Each Month)
Miss Mustard Seed (Furniture Only)

take care -

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1 comment:

  1. I should have known this was you when I saw the linky image at Shabby Creek Erin. Too cool! I love it! You know I'm going to be looking specifically for plowing discs now. LOL


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