All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Let's Go Shopping: Etsy Treasury Tutorial

Hello, my name is Erin and I'm addicted to...


You thought I was going to say Pinterest?  Yeah, that's a given, but I've developed a bit of an obsession with creating Treasury Lists on Etsy.
It's like shopping for free.  Granted, you don't get the stuff, but it's fun to look, right?

Here's a snapshot of the last one I created about PASSION:

Tasty, right?  and Pink.  Life doesn't get much better than that.  Other than the fact that I was wearing sweats and sat in my toasty little house while  I "shopped." 
It also inspired me to create this:
 I googled it, and I don't believe I stole it?  Please let me know if I did!  If you like it, please feel free to use, print, sell, share, put it on a billboard.. (I'd love a link back, if you don't mind. pretty please)

So anyway, back to shopping...
You don't have to be an Etsy seller to create's free to anyone, you just need to be a prestigious member of Etsy.

Per Etsy, a "treasury" is "an ever-changing, member curated shopping gallery."  Oh yeah, I said "shopping gallery." Consider it an educational experience and maybe a resume builder? (ahem, Gallery Curator)  No going to the mall anymore...we are simply browsing the Retail Museum.

Wanna try? You sure you're up to it?

Well then, follow me, my dears...

Oh, didn't have to load up the kids or warm up the car, and we're already here at the Magical Mall - AKA Etsy!!! 
How convenient!
Since this is a special mall for beautiful, talented, and important people, you'll need to sign in or sign up...consider it the country club of online shopping. It's very exclusive (not really - it's open to everyone) as you'll see when you check out the amazing array of shops (this is true!)

Go ahead...I'll wait.

All signed in?  Good.  Now, still on the home page, you'll want to find the Handpicked Items section:

and click on "See More"

Here you'll find Treasuries created by "Member Curators."  Please don't wander off, I'll give you free time to do that later. Focus.  On the right side, click on "Create a list"

I know you're excited, but before you wander off, a couple tips:

1.Give your new treasury a title (can't save without it)
2.Make sure you stay together and hold hands with your partner
2. Check the "only you" box (consider this your "dressing room" and you don't want anyone to see you until you're "dressed")
3. Be on your best behavior (read the Treasury Guidelines on the right)
4. Open another window of Etsy to do your "shopping"

Still with me?  If not, please step off to the side, and I'll review the procedure with you again in just a moment. 

Now, it's time to shop!
In your 2nd Etsy window, start browsing through the shops at your leisure.

Now, isn't that a pretty little chalkboard.  Great choice! (tee hee). 
 Once you've made your selection you need to copy the Listing ID #

Highlight the "listing ID #" and copy it.

Now, return to your original Etsy page:
Choose a box and "paste" Then click "ok"


Now before you wander off unaccompanied, a couple more tips for you:
1. Once you have 4 items selected, SAVE it.  SERIOUSLY, I've lost several lists by accidentally hitting the "back" button.  It doesn't "auto-save" for you, so save often.

2.  Click edit to make any changes.

3. Hover over an image to remove it. So I don't lose things I like along the way, I'll copy anything I like into my treasury, and then delete as needed.

4.  Drag and drop images to change order.

Are your feet hurting yet?  Or maybe, is your bum tired?
I hope you had fun on our little shopping excursion, I know I did.  

Once you've completed, and you've primped to perfection...

 ...don't forget to change the settings to share the fun with everyone.  Also, you can add up to 18 tags and leave a note for your visitors and adoring fans.

Important Disclaimer: I am, by no means, an expert at Etsy (nor do I work for them or have I been compensated)...goodness, I think I've been on there for 3 months or something. It's something that amuses me, and thought you might find it entertaining as well.  I can not be held accountable for undone laundry, uncooked meals, or your unclean house due to hours spent curating your retail museum.

If you are an Etsy expert, I invite you to correct anything I've said, please.  I do not want to misinform or cause any type of shopping trauma that may lead to years of retail therapy to cure.

As I continue to research this topic, it's vital to my studies that you share your treasury lists with me (pretty please!)

Well, it's been fun, we'll have to do it again sometime soon.  Maybe next time we can grab lunch!

Shared here:
Thrifty Decor Chick (1st Monday of Each Month)
Kammy's Korner (Trash to Treasure)
Domestically Speaking (Paint Projects)
Faded Charm (White Projects)
Miss Mustard Seed (Furniture Only)

take care -
Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. I have never taken the time to create a treasury list because I didn't know how. Now I do! And I love the "Find Your Passion in Every Day". That is going on my inspiration wall :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the follow too :)

  2. I love this! I didn't know how to make one of these, but I love looking at all of them. I may become hooked!

    Thanks for sharing,


  3. I get a thrill when somebody puts one of my items in a treasury!
    I have had fun making those too.

  4. I did a few treasuries in the last couple of months and never realized there was a SAVE button!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You don't know how many times I clicked the "go back" button on the treasury page and had to start over again!!!!!

  5. I'll have to go check this out...So, next will you do a tutorial on how you made your tutorial? Ha! I need to learn how to do's on the long, long, long list!

  6. Good to know and a way fun tutorial. It was cute to read and informative. Thank YOU!

  7. Love it!! Thanks so much for linking up! Just a reminder also to register for my $50 Stencil Giveaway!

    XO, Aimee


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