All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Little Pink and Green Bookshelf

Liz from The Brambleberry Cottage made my day by featuring this project (as well as several other AMAZING ideas) as part of:
If you haven't linked to her party on Thursday before, I highly recommend stopping by and checking it out.

My mom found this little bookshelf at a thrift store for $4...or at least we thought it was a little bookshelf until I started sanding it and I found 4 hooks on the bottom.  (Please excuse the mess and the Bud Lite once huge garage seems to be shrinking daily.)

I realized that it was originally a wall shelf, but I stuck with my original impression, and I cut off the board holding the hooks.
I probably wouldn't have chosen this on my own, but my mom really liked it and it was $4...I thought I could find something to do with it.  Before priming, I hacked up distressed the edges and shelves, as it looked too "new" for the look I had in mind.  Then, while waiting for the Emerson Chest to dry, I mixed some colors together and came up with a pinkish mauve and slapped it on.  I was working on several projects at once, so I don't have any pictures of the process.

After looking at some furniture inspiration, I decided I would go for turquoise, but while I was mixing it, I ran out of blue ended up with an artichoke green color.  I wanted the pink to show through, so I took an unscented white candle and rubbed it over the edges and shelves before painting with green.

After I distressed it, was a little too bright for me, so I rubbed some dark stain over it and then a wash of black and red watered-down craft paint, concentrating it in the corners and scratches for an older look.

I had planned on giving it another couple coats of the wash to tone it down further, but decided I liked the color. 

 Not sure if it will ever sell, since it's a little different, but it was $4. Most of the stuff I've done so far is pretty neutral, so maybe this will add a little pop of color.  I'm supposed to set up my first booth in the next week, so we'll see how it goes!

take care -

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  1. What a great find for $4 and you did an amazing transformation. I love the green! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. I love it! I'm all about color and could totally see this in my home. I bet it sales 1st. :)

  3. now this is awesome... and for 4 bucks???!! nuts!! you'd better keep listening to that mom of yours!!

    and...while i'm ordering you around, you need to get into your blogger acct and activate your email so i can reply to you after you leave me your SWEET comments!!

    happy day!

  4. Great job and what a bargain! I'm sure it will look great in your booth.

  5. Great find. I love the detail on the shelf and the color you used is so pretty.

  6. The shelf turned out great and I really like the color! I found you from Time Travelers Thursday, I'm a new follower too:)

  7. I don't think you'll have any trouble selling this piece, Erin. It turned out terrific!

    Thanks for linking to Time Travel Thursday. I hope you'll join the fun each week. Come by tonight, and see yourself featured. ;)

    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  8. Awesome find and fabulous redo. Great job! Love it!



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