All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I'd like to thank....

...the academy oops!  Ahem...let me start this again....

Patricia of CropaCabana and Jane of Little House of Projects have each awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award.  A humongous THANK YOU to Patricia and Jane for each discovering my blog and giving me this absolutely made my day! 
I'll admit that I did a Google search to make sure that someone wasn't trying to play a joke on the newbie blogger (I'm still learning the tricks of the trade daily!).   So, moving on from my unfounded moment of paranoia......

Patricia is a self-described scrapbook enthusiast, artist, cake decorator, etc.  Her cakes are phenomenal...if you think that's impressive, check out this one.....and that's not even her day job!   Patricia is also skilled with paper...and a mom, grandma, set designer,...uh, I'll let you check out her blog or this could go on all night! 

Jane says she loves to decorate with items that have a story or personal meaning to her. as well as things she's made or remade.  You have to take a look at the chairs she recently re-did...they are gorgeous (and I am jealous!).  She also made these cute Halloween "candy cones."  Please stop Jane's blog to check it out!

So, as a recipient of The Versatile Blogger Award, there are 3 tasks to complete:
1.  Thank the person who awarded you. (Thank you again, Patricia and Jane)
2.  Tell 7 things about yourself that your readers may not know.
3.  Award 7 other bloggers with this award.  (Jane's instructions said 15 - but I'm going to stick to 7 I really like)

7 Things you probably don't know about me...
1. I'm quite skilled at typing and blogging with one hand, as the other is usually holding one of my 2 babies...11 mos and 2 years.
2.  I use to design and paint custom aisle runners for weddings
3.  I looooove water...oceans, lakes, streams, kiddie name it, I love water.  I will own a waterfront property before I leave this earth.
4.  I sucked my thumb until I was in 5th grade...aaand, I wore braces for 4 years.
5.  I donated 10"+ of my hair to Locks of Love last week
6.  I'm 6' husband is 6'2"...both of our babies are in the 97th percentile for height and weight.
7.  I never wanted kids..until I met my AMAZING husband at age 28.  Being a mom is the #1, most amazing, most emotional, hardest, most fulfilling thing I've ever done or will do.  The first moment you set eyes on your new baby is a better high than any drug in the world. (Admittedly, I've never tried any illegal substances, so this is purely based on assumption.)

 And finally, I get to pass this award along to 7 other bloggers.  Please take a moment to visit the blogs of these very talented women:
Courtney of Charming Little Nest
Rebecca and Wanda of Walnut & Vine
Bobbie of  My Creative Life Diary
April of My Friends Call Me Suzy
Amy of The Salvage Collection
Miranda and Jamie of The Pinterest Project
Maggie of Sweetwater Baby

It was fun getting to look through a bunch of blogs (probably 50+) today to find these great blogs.  I didn't just pick the first 7 I came across...these women have wonderful ideas and projects to share with you.  Please take a moment to stop by, say hi, hit their "follower" button if you feel so inclined....I'm sure your visit will make each of their day a little happier!  (Who knew it could be so easy to make another person happy...if only my temperamental toddler and teething baby were so easily amused!)

Thanks again to Patricia of CropaCabana and Jane of Little House of Projects for each choosing to give me this really is wonderful to be chosen out of the thousands of other blogs they could have chosen.

take care -

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  1. Hi! I'm a new follower and I just gave you the Versatile Blogger award over at Little House of Projects. But I see that someone beat me to the punch. But that's okay, I'll keep your name on the list anyway :) Please stop by and see who else got the award and maybe become my newest follower! Thanks!

  2. Erin,
    you are so sweet! I'm very excited that you gave me this award! I enjoy visiting you and last time I was here, I thought I followed you but apperently I forgot to click! Well, I am now! I will follow the instructions and pass the award on! Be back to visit soon!
    Thanks again,

  3. Congratulations on your new award Erin! You are a versatile blogger.
    I'm happy to have you as a new follower too! I'm looking forward to following along and seeing all your great projects.

  4. Erin, Thanks so much for passing the award on to me. I guess 1st I should say, congrats to you on receiving the award. I love the your blog and can't wait to see where it takes you, because you do really great work.


I love your comments - they make my day! Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts with me. I try to respond to as many comments and visit as many other blogs as possible...if you have your account set to "no reply" and would like a response from me, please leave your email address in your comment. Thanks for stopping by!