All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Piano "Mantle"


I have a huge, brick, two-sided fireplace, but for some odd reason, it doesn't have a mantle.  It also has a huge black wood burning stove in it that thrills my father-in-law to no end (he also enjoys the red countertops).  I, on the other hand, don't care how energy-efficient it is, I think it's ugly and I can't wait to get rid of the darn thing!  For now though, it stays - mainly to stop Max, and soon Emme, from using the fireplace as an alternative passageway from one room to the next.

Anyway, back to the mantle issue....I keep seeing all of these GORGEOUS mantles in the land o' blog and I want one!  So, instead, I'm using the top of the piano that the sellers of our house left behind.  (It also served as a hiding place for the snake)



It's not very seasonal...I've never been much of a seasonal decorator, besides Christmas, but I thought I'd share anyway.   I can't get too crazy because of the little people who live in this house...

Ahh, there is one of them now.

The sail boat pictures were both given to me by my mom, and the black and white photo is Max's namesake - my grandfather. 

The big square vase is from Pottery Barn, and I think someone gave me the seashell potpourri in it.

I don't remember where the metal star came from - probably ebay...I have a small collection of metal stars.  If you look really, really, really close, you can see a picture of me in a bikini (pre 2-babies, pre-30s) in the beach picture.

The vase of sticks is a collection from the yard.

I kind of feel like the middle is missing something, but I haven't found anything to put there that I like yet....any thoughts?
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Take Care -


  1. Hi Erin, I think your vignette is beautiful. Love the sailboat picture and the vase of shells. Coastal design is one of my favorite.

  2. Perfectly beachy! Maybe you could just add a set of three candles?

  3. Love your coastal vignette~ it's beautiful. Maybe a collection of candles or piece of driftwood or something for the center if you want more there? I host a decorating party at my blog on the weekend if you would like to come share sometime :)


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