All About Salvaged Whimsy...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Design Style - Farmhouse vs. Cottage

Metal, wood, natural fibers, chippy paint, rust, old stuff...these are a few of my favorite things.  I have always associated these items with cottage style, but today I came across a blog, LaurieAnna's Vintage Home, that made me rethink the classification of my  tastes.  Described as "Simple Farmhouse Living," a look through LaurieAnna's blog made me think, "farmhouse...farmhouse....yes, that's it, farmhouse!"  I love it! 

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="A display in LaurieAnna's Shoppe using an old camper she found on Craigslist.  Gorgeous! "][/caption]

I realize that style need not carry a title, but I'd always liked the cottage look, but I also love industrial items....and when I think about cottage+industrial = farm.  Right?   Charming porches with barn-style lighting.  Cozy dens with old barn-siding floors.  Bedrooms with chippy, rusted metal chests. 


 Farmhouse Barn door for bathroom - at

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="424" caption="Buckets of Burlap bedroom using barn siding and a cowboy tub."][/caption]


[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="387" caption="Bookshelf made from wood crates/pallets"][/caption]


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="360" caption="Beautiful farm-style cabinet used for kitchen sink"][/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Barn Style Bathroom from Rustic Cabinet as shown in Country Living"][/caption]




So I live in a retro 70s ranch-style home that has red formica countertops and brown carpet in the kitchen.  Not screaming fashionable farmhouse.

[caption id="attachment_31" align="aligncenter" width="459" caption="You know you're jealous...we do appreciate the sellers leaving us the matching tea kettle.I can't WAIT to tackle this badboy!"][/caption]

Does this peak your interest to see more of my beautiful new home?  Well, it just so happens that I did a whole post showcasing it in all her glory!

I'm so excited to start on my next project with all these fantastical (I know it's not a word) farmhouse fun in mind!!


  I have a BUNCH of farmhouse-y and industrial chic purchases that I've made recently that I need to photograph and I'll get on that as soon as I can find a way to occupy my kids for 10 minutes....and when I can forge a path to that part of my garage!


I definitely suggest checking out LaurieAnna's beautiful blog and shoppe


I'd love to hear your ideas about style and design. 

take care -



  1. Welcome to blogging Erin! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Such a lovely post, thanks so much for the shout out. I'll be visiting often! LaurieAnna

  2. Thanks so much for taking time to check out my post and blog - it really means a lot to me. I really appreciate your time and am looking forward to seeing how your farmhouse progresses. Thanks again -Erin

  3. im your newest follower! Fantastic Blog!!


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