Apparently the food on my plate tastes better than the same exact food on Max's plate. I guess it's a toddler thing. Its been a rough day in mommy-land. When Max wasn't performing death-defying stunts or trying to kill the dog, he was whining and/or crying.
Then, there's Emme, who I've nicknamed the screech owl. People scoff at this description of my beautiful, happy, smiley baby, until they experience it for themselves. Then, they act like they are the first person to have experienced the phenomenon.
But, when they are sleeping, all the craziness of the dayis forgotten (most of the time) and they look like little angels (Emme is sleeping on my lap as I type this with one hand)
In other news, Bryan and I had a lot of fun finding some treasures for my new business venture. It's called Max Originals, and will be vintagey, unique, "upcycled" treasures and furniture that I plan to sell. More on that later, for sure!
Anyone else's food taste better on their plate? Anyone else have a challenging day? Please share, I'm sure I'll feel silly for thinking mine was difficult.
Til next time---
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